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Questions, thoughts, or just curious about green spaces? We’re here to help. Feel free to reach out to Palmproject Europe for insights, discussions, or to explore the world of atriums and winter gardens. With three decades of experience, our team is here to share knowledge and foster green ideas.

Whether you’re someone with a green dream, a potential collaborator, or just looking to know more about our projects, Palmproject Europe is open to conversations. Let’s talk green!

You do not know how to specify your requirements?
Call and talk, +45 70 20 58 58

Jon Lans

Jon Lans Palmproject Europe,

Adviser | Partner

Börje Ohlin

Börje Ohlin Palmproject Europe,

Adviser | Partner

Jørgen Lund

Jørgen Lund Palmproject Europe,

CEO | Partner

Daniel Jepsen

Communication Manager Daniel Holmberg Palmproject Europe,


Michael Nielsen

Marketing Manager Michael Nielsen Palmproject Europe,


Betina Bülov

Graphic designer Betina Palmproject Europe,

Graphic designer